Welcome to Early Learning!

PSESD Early Learning works in partnership with school districts, child care centers, community agencies, and colleges in King, Pierce, and Thurston County to offer comprehensive, child- and family-centered programs. Our programs combine education and school readiness, family support and social services, family engagement opportunities, and health and nutrition services. Learn more about our funding.

Families and Community

Children in a classroom, focusing on child with pigtails.


Icon of hands holding a person
Services we offer for
children and families.


Children playing blocks in a classroom, focusing on child with curly hair


Icon of a map

Find a program near you!


Illustration of three people in a meeting
Our governing body comprised of
elected parent representatives.
Illustration of a person going up the stairs
Learning opportunities
for currently enrolled families.
Illustration of people with their arms raised
Other parent leadership opportunities
for currently enrolled families.

Connector News

Stay up-to-date on the Early Learning Connector News. Blog articles are posted every Wednesday. E-Alerts are posted as soon as possible.